Thursday, June 16, 2011

Recruit a Classmate!

For those of you who are already followers, you need to recruit your peers to follow too. If you know someone is signed up for AP Language for the upcoming school year, reach out to them and have them become a follower. If you do, bonus points! I already marked down your bonus if you became a follower, but now you can earn more by getting one (or more) of our AP classmates to follow our AP blog. (Remember, they have to already be registered for my AP class.)

I will give you until Monday, June 20th :o)


PS. Adlih, I don't know who you are to give you points, but I will once I do :o)


JessCab said...

Hello. My teacher last year wrote me down for AP, but i don't know if i have it for sure.

Maytte said...

Hi C-Rod its Maytte just wanted to let you know that Jackie O.recruited me for the bolg.